Only once a year there is a special full moon (Harvest Moon) when an ancient ritual – the Rejuvenation Ceremony – can be performed.
Take part in this extraordinary healing evening!
Strengthen the connection of your beauty with Mother Earth at the cellular level!
Gently turn back the clock of aging!
Look forward to the energy of the group, the power of the earth and magic of the full moon, a ray of rejuvenation and cellular regeneration in your body
during this beautiful and powerful ritual.
(!) Each participant will receive a regeneration gift.
More about this ritual, on the full moon in the zodiac sign Virgo:
Today we live in a time when the intuitive knowledge and ceremonies of primitive peoples are getting more and more recognition and effectiveness. With this we remember more and more our divinity – and connected to this is our mission to heal the earth again, to connect with it and to use the wisdoms of nature.
The full moon in September (“Harvest Moon” or HARVEST MOON) is closest to the autumn equinox. This is a very special, very sacred and magical time.
The Earth is in her “power” and produces endless abundance: the ripened fruits, grains are harvested now. It is the Earth’s thanks to us, the return of the energy we have invested.
At the time of the Harvest Moon, many rituals are performed around the world. One of them is the rejuvenation ritual – also called Youthing Ceremony.
The initiates knew that this time, when the forces of heaven and earth are at a peak, is also the time of rejuvenation.
The HARVEST MOON Rejuvenation Ritual can be performed only once a year:
– During the Harvest Full Moon and in each of the 24-hour windows before and after.
This ceremony originated in Africa and was performed exclusively by men to honor and connect with the earth.
It is known that rejuvenation rituals and practices were also performed by pharaohs. This caused these men to appear more youthful and live longer.
As of 2012, the rejuvenation ritual takes on a very special meaning. Far beyond our rejuvenation, there is also an earth healing (of all the deep hurts we have inflicted on her in our humanity) and our connection/synchronization with the power of Mother Earth – one of the most important conditions for our health.
The ritual was transmitted to us by a curandero master. She in turn received it from her master teacher and shaman, who was able to experience and participate in it directly in the African tribe.
After this initiation, we like to transmit this ritual into the aura of the seminar participants every year.
Even if the secrets of this ancient custom could not be revealed scientifically yet, it obviously has a regenerating effect on the glands and the body in general.
Thus, during the ritual certain glands of our body are activated, the intelligence of the cells is “awakened” and the collective thought patterns of aging are “taken out”.
A beautiful and deeply effective ritual healing evening with a little surprise and a great rejuvenation gift!
Please bring:
Blanket and socks, a bolster if desired.